MINI STARS SERIES: Supplementary Rules & Regulations
Mini Stars Saturday Afternoon Stacyc Race series is a 4-6 round series held at Glen Helen Stacyc Race located at
18585 Verdemont Ranch Rd San Bernardino, CA 92407
Mini Stars Series races are geared to introduce Stacyc riders / racers to an organized Stacyc racing program. Riders will learn all the basics of Stacyc racing and harness the knowledge and skills needed for future motorcycle racing.
Mini Stars races will be held on the Glen Helen Stacyc Track Saturday Morning ( before the start of the mini cycle races) and will start at 8:00 am and completed by 10:30 am
There will be multiple Stacyc classes offered
( see breakdown for your bike size, age, and skill level on the registration page)
Stacyc Categories:
Stacyc 12″
Stacyc 16″
Stacyc 18″
Stacyc 20″
Classes will be offered for both age and skill groups.
riders are permitted and encouraged to race more than one class.
all races will be one 5 lap race
Awards and series points to top 3 finishers in each class